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#2459-01-AKC Rough Coat Male
Parents: BBF Swashbuckler's Maggie Moe & DBF Kingswood Sir Frank Of Butterball
Parents: BBF Swashbuckler's Maggie Moe & DBF Kingswood Sir Frank Of Butterball

#2460-03-AKC Seal Brown/White Smooth Coat Male
Parents:Coat Male
Parents: BBF Darcys Chocolate Chip & Butterball Tuff Enough Roll The Dice
Parents:Coat Male
Parents: BBF Darcys Chocolate Chip & Butterball Tuff Enough Roll The Dice

#2459-03-AKC Rough Coat Male
Parents: BBF Swashbuckler's Maggie Moe & DBF Kingswood Sir Frank Of Butterball
Parents: BBF Swashbuckler's Maggie Moe & DBF Kingswood Sir Frank Of Butterball

AKC Broken Coat Male
Parent's: GCH CH D.B.F. Mirkwoods Virsace & GCH CH You Should Try It In Heels Eleerre
Parent's: GCH CH D.B.F. Mirkwoods Virsace & GCH CH You Should Try It In Heels Eleerre
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