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JRT Health Info and Recommendations

Dear Customers,


At Butterball Kennels, our Jack Russel Terriers are more than just pets to us. At Butterball Kennels, our Jack Russel Terriers are our family. It is a priority that we keep our little Butterballs

healthy as much as possible. With that being said, I personally have had great results using NuVet Labs!


It is clear to me that NuVet Labs has made it their mission to help our furry friends stay healthy for years to come. They clearly have the drive to produce the best nutritional supplement you can find.


NuVet Labs has spent over 8 years to create a product designed to provide the best immune system support possible. Their products are made in a FDA registered laboratory with natural ingredients specially compounded to deliver the most effective nutritional health benefits. Utilizing the latest advances in medical and nutritional science, They apply state of the art manufacturing technologies to help them maintain a standard of product quality and integrity that is virtually unheard of in the pet industry.


Butterball Kennel strongly recommends that you use NuVet Labs for your JRTs health and longevity. There is no denying that their products are top tier and hard to compete with. If you are interested in purchasing NuVet Labs products or gathering more information for yourself, Click the link below.


Be sure to enter the ORDER CODE below before any purchase to help show your support for Butterball Kennel!!!


Thank You for all of your support!




Jodi L Gray

Owner of Butterball Kennel





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